Get Involved
Why Get Involved?
Studies have shown people who are involved in community service have better mental, cognitive, and physical health.
Volunteering can help you connect with people and ideas within your community.
Provides an opportunity to broaden your perspective and help make an impact with Warren County families.
Hosting + Support
Volunteers provide the evening meal daily, breakfast and lunch items for the week, fellowship, and overnight needs. They do so by participating in the Try It You’ll Like It Program or by signing their team up for a week’s worth of assistance. Volunteers are strongly
encouraged to participate in one training session which is held on the first Saturday of each month (sign up here). At that training there will be a tour of the facility as well as a session regarding the holistic approach to interaction with the families.
Meals + Fellowship
It is recommended that there be four to six volunteers for dinner and fellowship. Meals should be child-friendly; mac and cheese, grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, and other meals of this sort. Likely what is served at your house will be well received by our families. Fellowship is a chance to relax with the families through crafts, games and outdoor time at our state-of-the-art playground, or fun at the basketball court or Gaga pit. Sometimes a child will need assistance with homework.
Overnight volunteers have the use of a comfortable space in which they sleep and are available for the very occasional need, such as providing Tylenol to a child who has spiked a fever overnight. Procedures and contact info are posted on bulletin boards in volunteer rooms for reference in any situation. Overnight volunteers are rarely disturbed. Two volunteers are needed for overnights. Preferable a male and a female, however, two females are acceptable.
July 26, 2025
This event gives children who are or have been in shelter over the last 12 months the opportunity to be totally prepared for the upcoming school year.
March 9, 2025
This fundraiser takes place annually on the Spring and Fall time changes.
October 5, 2025
Stay tuned for exciting details about this event!
Community Benefits Programs
You can give back to your community and fund the Family Promise of Warren County mission with every grocery purchase and Amazon Smile order!
Our friends at Kroger & Dorothy Lane Market make it easy to help. Just by signing up, a portion of every purchase will directly benefit Warren County families experiencing homelessness - it’s THAT EASY!! Your prices and savings will not be affected, and registration is online and simple, so please consider signing up for these programs!
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